Friday, February 22, 2008

Liberal / conservative - Profit?

I wish that I knew the answer to this question. Does being liberal ( of liberal mind), attract vultures to pick your bones. is it really nessessary to put up a completely fake aggresssive front in order to protect yourself from others? Would you then classify them as assholes or me as a victim. If you chose A) what if they didn't know they were being assholes. If you chose B) Should I change?

What I mean is, I don't seem to be as successful as I would like and I'd ike to know if it is nessesary to chew people up to get to where I want to go. Is this a requirement? Is it a given that to be "successful" you must be entirely self-centered, insensitive and avaricious? It seems to me that that is the way to go. When someone does me dirty and I call them to task I usually get a blank stare or an "I don't know" or a bunch of meaningless yelling meant to distract or put off instead of explain. In other words garbage.

An old saying is: "It is easier to ask forgivness than permission." Is that the way of it? Should I (IMHO) act like a spoiled child and completely disregard all the requirements and goals of the people around me and do what I think is best for me?

It seems so. When I look at someone like Conrad Black, who seemingly had no need for money, bilking his investors for what amounts to a pittance in comparison to his net worth, seemingly illustrates that point. I.E - " I want it and I'm gonna have it regardless of the rightness or wrongness of it." He is being severly punished as jail is quite a step down from his lofty perch. the $125000 fine is more a slap in our faces than a punishment to him. What would happen to a drug dealer in a similar sentencing situation? The authorities would have run him over rough shod on hot coals. There also would have been a beating in there somewhere. What of the polititians that perennially rob their electorate of funds to help a personal (read influential) friend or just eat the cookie themselves. Few if any serve jail time. (no, I'm not really interested in the exact statistics) Most, I am assured get off with a " Hang your head in shame son. Come back when another scandal makes this one a little more obscure." It happens. Not to regular everyday joes because that would create chaos and disturb not only the cash flow for the rich and powerful but it would also upset their sense of entitlement and untouchability.

Last year, to the best of my knowledge was a dark year for the entertainment industry. Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Linsay Lohan, Mel Gibson, Nathaniel Marston, Lane Garrison, that is not even the tip of the very large, very ugly iceburg. The problem being that if the same actions were taken by a member of the general population, their lives would be thrown into chaos as the courts would have no leniency towards them. Money will definately get you some perks. Fame will get you some too. Does this "power" make everything alright?

The point of all this is to ask, "Do I have to constantly bare my teeth to keep predators away?" Do I have to actually evince some of my personal power in what I consider a waste of energy? do I constantly have to make people aware of my boundaries so they don't ever think of crossing them? What ever happened to the "Golden Rule"? It seems like that is what the world asks of me. If I walk away and attempt being "the better man", does that invite further and more frequent attacks than if I just threw morals and beliefs to the wind and cussed, cursed, and fought my way to resolution? Even if there is seemingly nothing to resolve? Must a pecking order be established at every turn or can we just co-operate? Do I just need to start screwing people until I get caught and then shrug my shoulders and grin?

I seek these answers daily and I find that my personal philosophy of life, tolerance, forbearance, forgivness, understanding etc. is somewhat obsolete. To the best of my understanding, the "Golden Rule" has been replaced by this:

1) Do unto other b4 you get caught (or done yourself).
2) Might makes right. ( So do money, power and fame) If you don't have one of these three, you are ass-out and will be used as a battery to further the ambitions of others)
3) Anything you learned in kindergarten about sharing and caring should definately stay there. Those who have, don't seem to share very well and those who share don't seem to have very much unless they are sharing for a purpose in which case go back to the first part of this scentence.

So at the end ofit all, I ask this: is it nessesary for me to be an abrasive, hard-ass all the time? Is that what it takes?

Let me know.

Sir RantsAlot

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