Thursday, February 28, 2008

World's Most Expensive Cooter

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Yahoo Canada - Bloody Cowards!

AAAAhhhhhhhhhrrrrggg. Ok, so now you know something is up. Yahoo is up! Or down as the case may actually be. I found myself a little niche leaving comments on different news stories on Yahoo Canada News a while ago and I thought what a great place to begin to understand some different viewpoints. You see I don't do chatrooms because they are never topic specific unless they are technical and I wasn't reading the tech news. I just wanted something general that I could throw my 2 cents into every once in a while. Well. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I ran into a racist. I tripped on him while reading something about Michael Jackson selling Neverland Ranch. Honestly, I was killing time and not terribly interested so I made the mistake of scrolling through the comments. Lo and behold I found the little bastard and he had written something like this (I'm paraphrasing the second comment):

Wow! what a surprise... a Negro with all the money inthe world goes broke..... Uncut_Bob POSTED WED, FEB 27, 2008 07:37 AM -0500

They (to their credit) completely removed VeinyCock who said something like "All those Knuckle dragging negroes want to do is steal and not work and pay no bills andcommit crimes."

Needless to say I became somewhat distressed. I tried restraint. I did actually surf away from the page only to be blinded by unreasoning anger. I now realize that it was completely off the original topic, actually validated his garbage and presented myself in a very un-Christian way. I couldn't help myself however and as I always have a spare can of vitriol lying around I let fly.

Please excuse the lack of coherence, I was angry and with the filters that Yahoo uses, it took about seven edits to get something through. I had no idea that beginning a sentence with the word "As" would be construed as being offensive. I have done nothing to edit it from the original post so here goes:

"Dear VeinlikeC*ck and Pls_c*tmythroatBob - ES&D. I'd loveto drag my fist across your head, and not pay any hospital bills for thumpin' yer a** and committing crimes like stealing your ugly wives and mothers and setting them up as a beytches for my dog to use. True I might have to get him drunk and blindfold him first but we negroes (Yahoo wouldn't let you say *igg*r would they?) do have all kinds of time on our hands not working, while somehow managing to get blamed for taking all the jobs. I'm no pacifist when it comes to unwarranted attacks. How about you ask someone with some sense to help you out before you decide to open your mouth. It will save you much embarrasment and confusion later. I would have said shame but it is apparent that you have none as it is a higher brain function that requires introspection and honesty. I'll try to explain it to you in terms you understand. Be quiet idi*t. You have no idea what you are talking about. Please, die a horrible, screaming death alone in some sicko's basement. Visit some relatives, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree so there are bound to be quite a few psycopaths ready to drop out of your closet at the slightest provocation. Conversly, you could ignore this and just go back to s*rewing your sisters you in-br*d, hill-billy, drains on society. You two are shining examples of the reasons abortion is legal and we have to have laws against inc*st. The gene-pool needs lots of chlorine. Not just to get rid of you but also to disinfect the stinking morass your passing will have left behind. I now understand why people say it takes all kinds to make the world go around. If it weren't for you I'd have nothing to wipe off of the bottom of my shoe. "

I realize that they were probably just trying to have something to say and didn't consider that it might have to be intelligent to be worth sharing but if you jump off a bridge, you can't honestly be surprised that it will hurt. If you are lucky you will die quickly. That is all you can really ask for IMHO.

About 15 mins after this exchange, I realized that no news pages on Yahoo would open for me. I shut down first my browser and then my entire stack and nothing. No news , No comments No Nothing! After repeated attempts I temporarily threw in the towel. I was blocked. Fair? Maybe. Honestly I don't think so. But I will go with it. Heck, I don' t have a choice do I? ;-)

At any rate I logged back in later and noticed that although I could now access the news, i couldn't actually publish a comment. Ok, that was a compromise and I guess a worthy one. I can handle that. I really didn't help the forum out and I was somewhat abusive which is not generally my nature. I'll attack ideas and structures with abandon but personal attacks have to be earned. I believe he earned it. He got it anyway.

One day later, much to my chagrin, I find that they have removed the comments altogether!
How craven! The only reason left for it's existence and they have abandoned it without a fight.
Why do I need to go there now? News - Google, Reuters, CNN, Fox, El-Jazeera & various blogs. Search - Google (hands down), Mail - Gmail / Hotmail. Remind me again why I need them? So this is my official first announcement of my abandonment of all my Yahoo mail acccounts. If I like you, or think you have something to say, you'll get a message. If not, you're spam and they can kep you for as long as they wish.

Sayonara Yahoo. It's been a good run but in the end you came up short and it's your own fault.
I can't find a reason to stay so you can keep your impotent news articles. By the time you got them they weren't news but at least you let us comment on it. Now I see that looking at your webpages, without a purpose makes me irritable. So long. Best of luck.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Hardware Support Courtesy of AMD / ATI

AAAAhhhhhhhhhrrrrggg. Ok, so now you know something is up. Yes, my computer might as well be up in smoke. You see I bought A new computer at a Boxing Day sale. Yes I finally broke down and bought it. I figured I didn't need to spend so much time tweaking and modifying and boosting and bypassing/ disabling things so that my old PIII 500 -(OC'd stable no Xtra cooling 3 years at 1Ghz) could kinda keep up with the big boys. I just wanted something to work.
You see what I wanted do was to save up the money and pay cash, part by part to build myself my own little Uber-Computer. I wanted the best of everything. Crazy memory, massive hard drives, unparalelled connectivity and a stereo that would embarass some of those bass-tubes you see scraping their bottoms down the road covered in duct-tape, bondo and primer. Due to my lack of ability to save anything but myself from the "Perils of wealth and affluence", it was off to the good old Future-Shop with the good ole maxxed out credit-card. Yeah baby! I was a sucker waiting for a mouth. I looked and searched and dug and fought to get the best off-the-shelf "solution" to my problems. "Oh gee sir, that one is sold out but.." they would start and I would say "No! I won't be oversold on things I don't need and won't use." I turned my back and stormed out in a perfectly indignant, definately offended manner. After about 5 hours of searching I slunk back into Future-Shop with my head hung low. I did however make sure that I was not at the original location. I didn't need to see that self-satisfied smirk. The model that I had shunned before was the only one left in my price range that had most of the features I wanted and it was an Acer which may be ok but the Hewlett I could have gotten might have served me much better IMHO. With a worried look, I broke out the card and the vaseline handing him the business end of my undoing. Just as he had rung up the last item he said "Oh, I almost forgot, are you going to be playing any games?" My heart sank and my stomach clenched. I forgot all about the video card. Now I had some limited experience with video cards and in particular Nvidia. My Winfast Ge-Force 3 Titanium 200 (purchased used for $30) had been a reliable source of problems since it's installation which no amount of re-installing or driver upgrading could conquer. It did work though. Sometimes a-w-f-u-l-l-y slowly but it didn't actually crash that much. He said "Hey! we have this new ATI Card the HD2600 it has DDR3 that is even faster than DDR2." The hook was already set when he said, "It's on sale." He didn't need to insult me with "Look, it's the last one." He just didn't need to go that far. I should have known. Mea culpa. I am rending my t-shirt and gnashing my teeth as we speak. SO he piled it on and I walked out the happy sap hoping that the guys in the back of the shop were just chuckling, not rolling around holding their bellies, crying with mirth at my expense. Long story kind of shortened, It is now February and despite much frustration; tweaking and re-installing and using the options the video card for no apparent rhyme or reason occasionally resets in the middle of a game. Oh and ATI Video-Cards DO NOT LIKE Linux .That is for all the people like me who didn't check first. I hope U find Out before you buy. I'm using open suse but I wanted Ubuntu. I play Project-Torque and am trying to play Last Chaos on Aeriagames - I have to plug them because they let anyone play unlimited time for free. If you don't need to sleep you can still play! It's great. Back the issues. When I was playing Project-TOrque, it didn't bother me so much I'd lose about 5 seconds when it happened but as I still got my points, I couldn't care less. Last Chaos however is another story. In the game I have a Guardian who agreed to help me until I levelled up. Very generous person and I am In his debt. (Thanks TheDark. UR Awsome. Calico) However, whenever I play, Poof reset and black screen. Ctrl-Alt-Del and start again. So he, effectively has helped someone who cannot play. I've wasted his time and money. (I'm so sorry dude.)
Countless hours of searching led me to this:
I don't know if I have the right to do that here but they asked how I rated the answer, so I wrote:
"Useful information. Walk in to the C.E.O. with this. To think, I actually paid you to pay someone to type this. Webspace is actually reserved for this answer. I am ashamed for you. If I had looked at this answer first I would never have purchased your product. I see that I am "stuck" with a shoddily supported "brick". This answer is insulting as it serves to illustrate just how much your customers mean to you. I am offended that you didn't take the tome to formulate some sort of answer. I am soon to purchase a new card to replace the ATI card that doesn't work and this flippant disregard for your customers will be paramount when making my decision. The drivel you have tried to unload upon me fills me with disgust. I can't believe the audacity of actually giving someone the opportunity to rate this answer. Thats like a "How's my driving?" bumper-sticker on a drunkard's car. The card being broken is oddly not as bothersome as the cavalier attitude this garbage conveys. Next time save the space."
Was that too much? I don't think it was enough. Picture yourself with a brand new computer / video card that doesn't work properly getting this type of answer from the company that MANUFACTURED it. So here I am, AAAAAHHHHHRRRRRggghh! Crying and gnashing my teeth over my own stupidity.
Any help would be much appreciated. People who bought Nvidia cards to begin with, there will be no gloating. O.K. I'll allow minimal gloating but no "Bwahahaha"'s. I'm not for that.
CUL8R (Shout out to Mark (Scarface) from Centennial) ;-)

Did I mention that I got Vista HOME already burned into the drive and can't remove it because it will void the warranty? AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!
Sir Rantsalot

Friday, February 22, 2008

Liberal / conservative - Profit?

I wish that I knew the answer to this question. Does being liberal ( of liberal mind), attract vultures to pick your bones. is it really nessessary to put up a completely fake aggresssive front in order to protect yourself from others? Would you then classify them as assholes or me as a victim. If you chose A) what if they didn't know they were being assholes. If you chose B) Should I change?

What I mean is, I don't seem to be as successful as I would like and I'd ike to know if it is nessesary to chew people up to get to where I want to go. Is this a requirement? Is it a given that to be "successful" you must be entirely self-centered, insensitive and avaricious? It seems to me that that is the way to go. When someone does me dirty and I call them to task I usually get a blank stare or an "I don't know" or a bunch of meaningless yelling meant to distract or put off instead of explain. In other words garbage.

An old saying is: "It is easier to ask forgivness than permission." Is that the way of it? Should I (IMHO) act like a spoiled child and completely disregard all the requirements and goals of the people around me and do what I think is best for me?

It seems so. When I look at someone like Conrad Black, who seemingly had no need for money, bilking his investors for what amounts to a pittance in comparison to his net worth, seemingly illustrates that point. I.E - " I want it and I'm gonna have it regardless of the rightness or wrongness of it." He is being severly punished as jail is quite a step down from his lofty perch. the $125000 fine is more a slap in our faces than a punishment to him. What would happen to a drug dealer in a similar sentencing situation? The authorities would have run him over rough shod on hot coals. There also would have been a beating in there somewhere. What of the polititians that perennially rob their electorate of funds to help a personal (read influential) friend or just eat the cookie themselves. Few if any serve jail time. (no, I'm not really interested in the exact statistics) Most, I am assured get off with a " Hang your head in shame son. Come back when another scandal makes this one a little more obscure." It happens. Not to regular everyday joes because that would create chaos and disturb not only the cash flow for the rich and powerful but it would also upset their sense of entitlement and untouchability.

Last year, to the best of my knowledge was a dark year for the entertainment industry. Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Linsay Lohan, Mel Gibson, Nathaniel Marston, Lane Garrison, that is not even the tip of the very large, very ugly iceburg. The problem being that if the same actions were taken by a member of the general population, their lives would be thrown into chaos as the courts would have no leniency towards them. Money will definately get you some perks. Fame will get you some too. Does this "power" make everything alright?

The point of all this is to ask, "Do I have to constantly bare my teeth to keep predators away?" Do I have to actually evince some of my personal power in what I consider a waste of energy? do I constantly have to make people aware of my boundaries so they don't ever think of crossing them? What ever happened to the "Golden Rule"? It seems like that is what the world asks of me. If I walk away and attempt being "the better man", does that invite further and more frequent attacks than if I just threw morals and beliefs to the wind and cussed, cursed, and fought my way to resolution? Even if there is seemingly nothing to resolve? Must a pecking order be established at every turn or can we just co-operate? Do I just need to start screwing people until I get caught and then shrug my shoulders and grin?

I seek these answers daily and I find that my personal philosophy of life, tolerance, forbearance, forgivness, understanding etc. is somewhat obsolete. To the best of my understanding, the "Golden Rule" has been replaced by this:

1) Do unto other b4 you get caught (or done yourself).
2) Might makes right. ( So do money, power and fame) If you don't have one of these three, you are ass-out and will be used as a battery to further the ambitions of others)
3) Anything you learned in kindergarten about sharing and caring should definately stay there. Those who have, don't seem to share very well and those who share don't seem to have very much unless they are sharing for a purpose in which case go back to the first part of this scentence.

So at the end ofit all, I ask this: is it nessesary for me to be an abrasive, hard-ass all the time? Is that what it takes?

Let me know.

Sir RantsAlot

Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's my first time - be gentle.

Ah. Hi. This is my first message on my first ever blog. "Yay. Pat me on the head and give me a gold star." So I don't really have much to say but believe me I will.


1) This blog is just my opinion of the moment. I am, and hopefully always will be partial to having new information change my opinions, but don't count on it. I can be stubborn an pigheaded as everyone else.

2) This blog is going to be offensive at times. Hopefully in a tasteful, non-gratuitous fashion. However - You can stop reading any time you choose. It is what it is and I can tell you nothing that will help you if you can't seem to get past that hurdle. I'm pleasantly surprised that you can read at all.

3) I am human. I am fallible. I can be tricked, deceived or oblivious. Deal with it.

4) I don't much spell check and I'm not really concerned. This is not an English class so if you got the point of what I wrote, let it go. I have a dictionary, in fact several. This blog is off the cuff at full speed, usually when I'm angry. Be thankful as I am that I'm not attempting to fit the keyboard into the front of the monitor. Sideways.

5) I am going to contradict myself at times, due to fresh thought, change of mood, the vagaries of corcumstance, you name it. I for one am partially a product of my environment. Instead of dragging the guy on his cellphone out of his car and pushing said phone down his throat, I'll write here about lousy drivers and cellphones and how he should be under a bus. Kinda therapy like eh? Again, I urge you, be thankful as that could be you. ;-)

6) This blog will be random. I honestly marvel at some people who can be bitter all the time. I see anger like orgasms. Female type anger (that sexist bastard!) builds slowly, gathering umbrage and breaks in a great big pustule of negative energy that takes weeks or months to heal. Male anger, (like mine) will be reasonable and concerned until we reach our tolerance level for your arrogance and audacity. Then we switch to PLAN-B and try to take your head off your shoulders. Fifteen minutes later (assuming I won) I'll actually be remorseful and wish things had worked out differently. If I lost I'd probably be wishing you were under a bus with that cellphone guy. Double-Decker.

7) Hey, if you enjoy it, write in! If you don't enjoy it...Write in anyway! I don't care. I'll try to read them all and I'll try to respond but if not, don't flame me for being insensitive. I've honestly got bigger problems than your bruised ego. I don't have the time to read drivel. If it is worthwhile, I'll post it. I don't have to agree with it but I'll post it so others can read and decide. I am not going to devote my time to one issue so please don't get onto me about posted replies. When the fat lady sings... It's over.

8) Play safe and be well. I don't generally wish anyone evil, you hae to earn my enmity. It's not terribly hard to do but you do have to either directly screw me somehow or mess with my family. Then, whatever happens to you, happens to you. Don't crap in my yard. My dog bites. Hard.